MUST SEE !!! , THE SELLER HAS NOW FIXED,UPGRADED AND INSTALLED AND REPLACED MANY THINGS SINCE TAKING OVER , SO IT LOOKS MUCH BETTER THAN BEFORE .This magnificent home is on a beautiful two-acre lot with mature trees and a spring-fed pond! Situated at the end of a private drive in Wallingford School District, 411 Marie Drive boasts a grand entryway with vaulted ceiling.Beautiful 2 story foyer w/chandelier that lowers for cleaning. A house that feels so natural around the house. Formal LR/DR w/hardwood floors. DR has propane FP. offering nearly 7,000 square feet of luxurious living space with lovely water views from multiple decks and patio. The entire home was just professionally painted, and the two story foyer sets the tone of what's to come while being the epitome of comfort and style, with its impressive staircase, multiple archways and timeless wrought iron railings. Down two steps from the foyer is the light and bright formal living room, which is located right next to the dining room, which features a fireplace and access to the rear deck. . Large Tuscan style kitchen w/granite island, eating area, walk in pantry, access to deck. Grand family room w/28' beamed ceiling, stone fireplace to ceiling, French doors lead to deck.. Home office has separate entrance for privacy. Back staircase leads you to open area for entertaining. Impressive MB has sitting room, deck and 2 story walk in closet. 3 additional BR's on 2nd flr, each has own bathroom. Amazing LL w/sep entrance complete with full kitchen, LR, BR, laundry and gym room. Perfect for an out of town guest or as an in law suite.There is a lake behind the house, so you can ride a small boat in the summer and it feels so cool and nice. The lower level walk-out basement is nearly 100% finished, and offers a large rec room, wet bar, and full in-law suite, complete with kitchen and full bath. The unfinished portion of the basement has plenty of storage space, and double doors leading to the back yard. The rear deck wraps around the entire back of the home, and offers magnificent water views of the zero maintenance spring-fed pond, with its beautiful water lilies and a variety of aquatic wildlife that will keep you engaged for hours. Prestigious Wallingford-Swarthmore School District and Nether Providence Township, steps to the Leiper-Smedley Trail, and minutes to Baltimore Pike and I-476. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature while still having all the amenities, conveniences and location of a modern, suburban home.The whole house and the surroundings feel very natural. a great out door view , Moving along the back of the house is the heart of the home, the over-sized gourmet kitchen, complete with recessed lighting, large island, double oven and gas cook-top, custom cabinetry, the perfect mix of granite and tile countertops, and an eat-in area with sliding glass door to the rear deck. Just off the kitchen is the great room, with its 28 foot ceilings, floor to ceiling stone fireplace, ceiling fan, back staircase, wall of windows, and access to the rear deck. A den next to the great room is outfitted with a ceiling fan, built-ins, and access to the rear deck.Three additional bedrooms grace this level each with their own ceramic tiled bath. The lower level houses a potential in-law suite w/its own entrance. Convenient to walking trails, Art Center, the rich cultural center of Swarthmore College campus, shopping, train to Center City and major routes to the Main Line & airport, A powder room, spacious walk-in pantry, laundry area, inside access to the 3-car garage and a full office complete the main floor. Upstairs, the master suite offers a deck of its own, a separate nursery room, a two-story walk-in closet, and a bathroom with bidet, walk-in shower, jetted tub, double vanity sink, and make-up desk. Three more bedrooms, each with their own en-suite full bath, and a loft overlooking the great room complete the upper floor. A rear deck wraps around the main floor. SEE !!
Údaje poskytnuté společností Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Pozemek248 830 +
Přírůstky688 340
Pozemek248 830 +
Přírůstky688 340
Pozemek248 830 +
Přírůstky688 340
Pozemek100 680 +
Přírůstky340 020
Pozemek100 680 +
Přírůstky340 020
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
4 lůžka
6 koupele
Dny na místě
19 Dny
Rok postavený
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Stavební materiály
Vodní zdroj
Interiérové prvky
Cooling: Central A/C
Heating: Forced Air
Cooling Fuel: Electric
Heating Fuel: Natural Gas
Oven - Wall
Exteriérové prvky
Cable TV Available
Electric Available
Natural Gas Available
Sewer Available
Water Available
Parkovací funkce
6 parkovacích míst
Types: Attached Garage
Has Garage: Y
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